Chapter 5: Moon Shadow!?

     The next few moments slowed into an eternity. The last of the dust settled and
before them stood Avery, her black hair up like Usagi’s. Her Senshi uniform was black
and silver. Where the Senshi’s bodysuit was supposed to cover their stomach, Avery’s was
absent but she had the same white top as the Senshi. Instead of a normal rear bow, her’s
was a pair of small wings with long, red serrated ribbons hanging down to her knees. She
had knee-high boots and her gloves differed. Sitting atop her head was a crown of wings.
    All the Senshi could do was look at her in shock, each speechless.
     “Sailor Moon...Shadow?” Sailor Moon repeated.
     “It can’t be!” Avery snapped out of seriousness, “I can’t be a Sailor!”
     “Well, it looks like you’ of us,” Sailor Venus stepped foreword.
     “Another one!?” Whisper hissed, partly coughing because of the dust stirred up by
her movements. Whisper thrusted her hands into the air at Sailor Moon Shadow, “Feline
Finishing! SHI!” Whisper screamed.
     Sailor Moon Shadow gasped.
     “Osprey! I suggest you get out of the way!” The Emperor attempted to move but
found that he couldn’t and neither could the Senshi.
    Whisper was drawing energy from her surroundings. They could see the power
swelling into a mass infront of Whisper’s hands. Kitty Sammy backed away from Whisper
and perched herself on a fallen chunk of crystal. There was an outwards air flow from the
energy mass.
     “Do something!” Sailor Mars yelled, her hair interfering with her speech by
blowing into her mouth.
    “YAAAA!!” Whisper screeched and the power hurdled towards the stunned
Senshi, animals, Emperor with Sailor Moon Shadow in the foreground.
     The emblem in the center of Moon Shadow’s bow vanished and reappeared infront
of her. A curved silver blade condensed and a hilt formed. Without thinking, Moon
Shadow reached for the hilt, grasped it and slashed through the air in a pattern, “Moon
Shadow Dark Side Crater!” she yelled with tears filling her eyes, “You will NOT murder
my friends in cold-blooded vengeance!” she cried with fury ripping through her like a
     Her hair whipped backwards, away from the sword and the power of Whisper’s
strongest attack. She positioned the sword infront of her, pointed at the cat. She strained
herself to stay in one piece as the sword absorbed all the power of Whisper’s attack and
combined with the power of Moon Shadow’s Dark Side Crater attack. Whisper couldn’t
believe what she was seeing! A mere human and a sword? Absorbing Kat magic? Unable
to move at the realization of this power, she gave up and dropped her defenses. The
infinite energy evaporated and Whisper’s body incinerated before the eyes of Kitty
     “WHISPER!!” Kitty Sammy cried, “No!”
     Sailor Moon Shadow collapsed on the spot, dropping the sword. The stun had
worn off and the others were free to move again.
     “Kitty Sammy!” The Emperor casually stepped foreward, “You’d better tell Locot
that we’re coming for him.”
     Kitty Sammy grew a worried expression on her face and hastily leapt back through
the roof. Wolf came running in, “They’re retreating!”
     Sailor Moon ran to Avery, soon followed by the others. Usagi knelt down and sat
Avery’s limp body up, “Avery! Are you okay? Answer me, Avery-chan!”
     The Emperor picked up the sword and it retracted into the emblem which he
placed in the center of Avery’s bow. Something resembling black tears streamed down
Avery’s face and remained. Her eyes snapped open and she no longer needed Usagi to
hold her up.
    “Are you okay?” Sailor Moon asked.
     Avery nodded. The Emperor said something to her in another language and smiled.
     “Oh?” Avery answered, “I didn’t know you cared, Dragon.”
     He ran a finger down her cheek, tracing the line of the black tear, “It has begun.”
he said.

     “So what you’re saying is that if we don’t help you defeat the enemy at the
source,” Ami began, “their next target will be Earth?”
     Avery nodded, leaning back into her chair, “We were going to attempt to defeat
our enemies by ourselves with little chance of success... it was an amazing stroke of luck
that brought you to us.”
     “What is it exactly that you want us to do?” Makoto leaned foreward on the
circular table that they were all seated at.
    Kage Tsukino (Shadow of the Moon), back in her concealing black and silver cape
looked at them with a serious expression, “ We need the Ginzousho (Silver Crystal).”
     Usagi looked down, “I don’t know if I...we could do it. It’s hard to control...”
     “But it’s power and control is tuned to you, Usagi! You can control it better than
any other,” Kage Tsukino paused, a gloom suddenly hanging over her, “ we also had a
power, similar to that of the Ginzousho...”
     All the Senshi leaned further in, intent on hearing the story.
     “It is called the B’s Medallion. Half black, half white with a silver dragon frame,”
    She clenched her fist, demonstrating it’s approximate size, “It can only be used by a B of
the Empire. It has been so for countless generations...from the dawn of time.”
     “B? What’s a B?” Minako asked while brushing away some stray strands of hair.
     Kage Tsukino closed her eyes, “ The B’s are the leaders of Soria. Sworn to protect
the land and it’s people at all costs.”
    “Heh!” interrupted the Emperor.
     All turned and glared at him.
     “What?” He said after a short pause, “I was only thinking of BB.”
     Kage Tsukino made an ugly face, “Don’t remind me.”
     “BB? Sounds like a pretty pathetic name...”murmured Makoto.
     “Yup. The former Emperor of Soria. His treachery was horrifying and the things
he did are unspeakable, “ Avery said in a low tone.
    “So...what happened to this ‘BB’?” Usagi decided to ask before Ami who was
about to ask the same thing.
    “I was hoping you’d ask!!” Avery smiled wickedly.
     “You didn’t eat him, did you!?” The Emperor said with a shocked expression, after
seeing that grin.
    The Senshi gasped and looked at Avery. She punched him in the side while she
tried to keep a formal posture, “Dragon, don’t joke.”
     The Senshi sighed with relief.
     Avery cleared her throat to continue, “He abused the Medallion’s power, so we
took it from him and made him relinquish the throne. He was turned to stone and
‘accidentally’ smashed into pieces...” She shot a glance at Dragon without turning her
     Ami, Makoto, Minako and Rei nodded in understanding. Usagi looked slightly
    “The reason we need you,” Avery jumped back onto the topic after noticing
Usagi’s expression, “is because the B’s Medallion has been taken from us. Like the
Ginzousho, it supports life and helps Soria become a prosperous land, under the right
ruler. A monster called Locot stole it from us, but because he is not at all related to the
B’s and the Empire, he does not have the power to control it. The B’s have been in
possession of the B’s Medallion for a long time and have learned how to use it’s powers.
The gem increases one’s current powers and levels differ from one individual to the next.
Also, like the Ginzousho, it’s origin is unknown.”
     “There’s a rumor that Locot has discovered a way to artificially increase his
strength and use the Medallion.” Dragon continued, “His intentions are unclear and we
have to stop him before he gets the chance to use that power against us.”
     A long silence followed.
     “I want to help, “Usagi said in a serious tone.
    “Yes, I think so too,” Rei agreed.
     “ said that when Locot is done here...he’ll continue by decimating the
Earth?” Ami glanced around the table at everyone.
     “Yup,” Avery responded simply.
     “Then I think we have an obligation to help,” Makoto butted in, “to help not only
this world, but ours as well.”
     “Yeah. If we don’t help, we’ll either fight for it here, of do nothing and die
anyway,” Minako added her two cents in.
    “Then it’s unanimous?” Avery asked.
     “Yes! We’ll do it!” Usagi nodded her head and the rest of the Senshi backed her
up with smiles.
    “Thank you...we just may be able to save our worlds after all!” Avery hugged
     After the alternate, somewhat less formal meeting, Dragon showed the Senshi to
their quarters...each a separate suite including a bathroom, bedroom and a living room.
Meals would be eaten together in the main dining hall. Dragon reassured them that repairs
on the building were going rather well and they shouldn’t worry about another attack that

     “Felline, Kitty Sammy, Katsy...” A dark, massive figure growled deeply, “The
death of your comrade, Whisper is disappointing to hear.”
     The threesome were knelt before a wooden throne. A faint pink glow radiated
from behind them where Chibi-usa was being held in a column of liquid, still in her Senshi
uniform. Slowly her eyes opened and she could breath in the water, but could not move,
“Let me out of here!”
     “She has awakened. Now, Katsy, remove her Heart Crystal...hers should be
sufficient,” Locot tightened his clawed grip on a small silver and gold box.
     “Yes, sir,” Katsy stood up and casually took her place infront of the water column.
     Locot made a sweeping motion with his other claw and the liquid sucked away
into the floor. Chibi-Moon fell to the ground into the cold atmosphere. The column’s
purpose was to drain her energy to the point just before consciousness is lost. Chibi-Moon
didn’t have the strength to get up and she lay in an uncomfortable position on the ground.
    “Please let me go,” Chibi-usa said quietly, making little effort to move.
     Kitty Sammy and Felline laughed and Katsy smiled, “I’m sorry, but that is not an
option, little one,” Katsy raised her right hand, pointed at the pink-haired child.
    “I call upon the feline prowess...” Katsy murmured, slowly closing her eyes.
     The wind was awakened and Katsy’s hair began to flow with the rising breeze. The
purple jewel on her head no longer displayed the symbol of a black, upside-down crescent
moon. It shone purple and the glow extended to her outstretched arm. Her black skirt
ruffled to and fro in the wind, “Kat extract!” Katsy opened her eyes and they glowed
     “No...” whispered Chibi-usa as her body disintegrated into nothingness. A white
crystal in the shape of a heart shone brilliantly, though there was no intense light for it to
     It coasted into Katsy’s reaching hand and the purple glow ceased, as well as the
cool breeze. She turned and bowed again to the massive figure of Locot, “Mission
complete, my Lord,” she said and handed the jewel to him.
     “Now the fun begins,” Locot grinned an inhuman smile, “with this component in
my device, I can utilize the infinite power of  the B’s Medallion!” as any evil being would,
he laughed a hideous, evil laugh and opened the small metal box, gently easing Chibi-usa’s
Heart Crystal into it, to temporarily rest with the B’s Medallion.