Chapter 2:Lina's so talented!

     "Congratulations, Lina-chan!  Your performance this evening was impeccable!"

     "Thank-you, Martina." Lina smiled as her agent exploded on plans for an international tour.

     "Well, first of all we could just tour Japan, then move on to North America…how am I doing so far?"

     "Martina, I don't think…"

     "Of course you don't!  That's what I get paid for.  Oh, and speaking of my salary, I'd like you to sign this!"  She produced a large piece of paper magically from the back of pocketless skintight leather jumper.  "Just sign here."

    "Wait a second.  I'd like to take a look at this."  Lina attempted to read over the contract before Martina managed to pull it away.

    "No need to read! That's my job too! Just sign."

    Lina stood up and brushed off her velvet red dress.  "That means I'll have to hire another agent to help me negotiate with you, and seeing as how I know just what kind of a person you are, in the end I'll have to pay that guy twice what I'm paying you."

    Martina sweat-dropped.  "Just sign the damn thing, would ya!"

    Lina took the contract from Martina.  "We'll see.  I don't want to read it over now, though.  I just want to go back to the resort, maybe have some snacks.  You think the restaurant will be open this late, or will I have to raid those over-priced little refrigerators?"

    Lina continued to babble as she and Martina headed back to their resort.  As they entered the lobby, two tall men in hotel uniform stepped forward, blocking both their paths.

    "We said go away.  He will see no one." The bigger of the two reached out and grabbed Martina roughly.  "We warned you!  Now we are going to have to bring the authorities into this!"

    "What the Hell are you talking about?"  Martina nearly had a conniption fit.  "I am Lina Inverses personal agent!  Let go of me this instant or, by Jove, I'll sue you for everything you ever had and ever will!!!"

    "Oh dear!" the security guard quickly released his grip.  "You're Lina Inverse, aren't you?"  He pointed to the red-head.

     "You really should get out more, you know.  I would have known a world-renown singer a mile off.  Now we have to take your money."

     "Oh, no please.  I am dreadfully sorry!"  The manager ran in after hearing Martina's commotion.    "We had a huge mob of people in here after the king.  They wanted to get snapshots mostly.  We thought you were also a member of their little paparazzi gang.  We'll make I up to you.  What ever you want, we can get it."

     "I suppose then, I'll settle for Mars."

     "I beg your pardon?"  the woman looked at Lina blankly.

     "You know, Mars, the planet Mars.  I'll take that as my compensation."

     "Please, Ms. Lina, really, within reason."

     "Oh no you don't!  Whatever I want, you can get, remember?"

     "You're asking for something we have no right to.  How about a complimentary suite?"

     "We already have one. You offered it to my agent if we agreed to stay at your hotel."

     "Resort. How about a penthouse?  We have one still available."

     "Okay.  A penthouse, no charge, free room service, free limousine transportation to anywhere in Tokyo, and free meals in your dining facilities."

     "Oh, Ms. Lina, you are surly joking.  Free meals for you?  It would be safer to be sued."

     Lina whacked her violently on the head.  "What's that supposed to mean?  Besides, if Lina Inverse sues you, your reputation as one of the top Tokyo resorts goes down the shit hole, if you know what I'm saying.  Whereas, if you agree to my offer, I'll give you a five-star review and you'll have more customers than Martina has boyfriends!"

     "I'll take your word for it."  the manager sighed heavily.  "I suppose I have little choice then.  Okay, I agree."

     "Good.  That's settled, then.  I'm going up to my room.  Have one of your monkey-men bring me up an ice-tea, with a lemon on the side and one of those mini umbrellas."  She yawned.  "Oh and make it quick, before I get tired and fall asleep.  I like ice tea before bed, and if I don't get it I am cranky and very unforgiving."  And with that, she and Martina headed to the elevator.

     Lina yawned and rolled out of bed.  It was two in the morning and she had done everything to get sleep. It was something about the king she thought to herself.  The manager had mentioned something about the king staying in this hotel.  She had been angry at the time and so she hadn't thought about it, but now that she had her chance, she was having a truly hellish time trying to get some shut-eye.  She got up and called room-service for a glass of warm milk.  After a long and progressively tiring discussion, she managed to convince the voice on the other end that room service did indeed run at such an ungodly hour.  Shortly following the call, what looked to be a very disturbed young man banged on her door, milk-in-hand.  Lina smiled, and without taking the liberty of tipping the perturbed hotel hand, she slammed the door in his face and glugged down the cow juice.  Soon she began to feel drowsy and she crawled back into her unfamiliar canopy cot and slipped into a dream filled slumber.

     Lina awoke at nine the next morning, showered, changed out of her new white pajamas and into and into her red and white spring dress.  She strolled down to the lobby and turned left to  restaurant.  She took her seat at a large comfortable booth and inquired if Martina had been down already.  She found out that she hadn't, but decided there was no sense in waiting, and began ordering.  After she had skimmed the menu and decided not to try Eggs Benedict, but everything else met with her approval, she took out her Walkman and headphones and began listening to one of her tapes.

     After a half-hour, she noted that a tall, blue-hared man was seated at the booth across from hers.  He began looking around and moved about in his chair uncomfortably.  Finally he got up and walked over to her booth.  He started to speak, but she couldn't hear him over the blast of the music.

     "I'm sorry." She shut it off.  "Can I help you?"

     "Oh.  It's nothing.  I was actually just wondering if I might sit with you?  You're here all by yourself, and I'm not used to eating breakfast all alone."

     "Sure." Lina forced a smile.  "Why not?"  she scooted down giving him more than his share of the room.

     "So," Lina asked after a few moments as a half-hearted attempt to break the uncomfortable silence.  "Are you from Tokyo?"

     "No, actually, I'm from Osaka.  I have a large house there, but no family to share it with."

     Jesus Lina clenched her fist under the table.  Is he coming on to me?

     The blue-hared, blue skinned man must of read her face.  "It's okay." He laughed.  "It's not what you think.  It's just that without my good friend around, I'm lonely.  I don't often talk to  beautiful women like yourself, so I not sure what to say."

     Lina smiled at the compliment.  She could see why he didn't get a lot of dates.  Yet, there was something about him, past his interesting complexion that was almost attractive.  And to prove that he didn't get out much, he didn't even know who she was.  But he seemed sweet and he was genuinely polite, so she didn't let it bother her.

     "So, what's your name?"  he asked, taking a sip of his tea.

     "I am Lina Inverse." She extended a friendly hand.

     "Lina Inverse?!  The world famous pop star?!  Wow, I haven't had a chance to listen to much of your material, but what I've heard, I thought you were sensational!  May I please have an autograph?  Make that two, one for a friend of mine!"

     "Okay."  Lina smiled at this flattery and took out a pad of paper and a black pen.  "Who do I make this out to?"

     "Well, my friends name is Rodimus.  You can just sign your name on mine."

     "Nonsense."  Lina signed, and moved on to her next one.  "What's your name?"

     "That's not important. I…"

     "Your majesty?"  a waiter spoke to the man.  "Please sire, I have a call for you on line two.  Fellow named Rodimus wants to know how you're doing."

     "Your MAJESTY?!!!"  Lina exploded.  "You mean to say that you are the king!!!?  The king of Japan is sitting at my table, talking to me and I didn't even know it?!  That's what I get for being on the road without a cable TV.  Is Martina ever gonna hear about this one!  The king?"

     "Please excuse me for just a moment, Ms. Inverse.  I have to take this call.  I would like to continue to talk with you, though, unless I'm a bother."

    Lina blushed as he left to take the call.  Wow she thought.  The king said that he want to keep talking to me.  Me, Lina Inverse!  This is very cool.  And he's so nice.  Nothing like the way I thought he would act though.  Stuffy, superior, and so conceded.  But he isn't that way at all.  I would never have known if that waiter hadn't spoke up.  He didn't have a crown or anything.  Gosh, I have to be more careful who I talk to.  I might have said something really rude.

     "I'm back."  Zelgadiss broke her train of thought.  "I'm sorry about that.  I had to take it.  And I'm sorry about not telling you who I was.  People act so different around me when they know who I am.  I hate it.  Their everyday attitudes are momentarily set aside and they become these total phonies.  Everything I say earns a giggle or an nod and they have no respect or perhaps to much.  They're so busy agreeing with me they don't hear anything I say.  And to make matters worse, any opinion they had is forgotten.  'The king says he believes animal testing is wrong!  He must know what he's talking about.  I think that too.'"  He demonstrated the scenario.

     She laughed.  "I know what you mean.  People do that to me all the time.  'Oh, did you hear what Lina Inverse thinks?  She must me right!'"  I mean, it's flattering and all and I don't mind if it's positive influence, but every so often I wouldn't mind someone challenging me on it."

     "We have something in common, Lina.  I'm flattered.  So, where are you from?"

     Lina's food was served and she tried to politely communicate through the twelve courses she ordered.  "I'm from here, well Tokyo.  Opposite side of town though and I didn't want to be bothered driving home at late hours every night during my concert.  It's also nice to get waited on every once and a while too." She added and blushed.  "You wouldn't know the difference though, You have dozens of servants that bring you everything you want on a silver platter."

    Zelgadiss laughed.  "That's what I like.  Honesty.  No, actually, ruling a country
It was harder than most people think.  Granted I don't really rule it.  That's the governments job.  Most people know that but they still expect me contribute.  Make public appearances and give diplomatic speeches and such things.  Nothing bad, mind you, or else I'm the problem.  I, the king of Japan am not aloud to criticize the government because although my position holds next to no political power, people still see me as a diplomat, and I am therefore billed as a politician.  If I say negative things, not only do I bring down the morale, but people expect me to do something about it.  To top it all off I have maybe five or six helpers or servants as you call them and all of them were previously employed when I came into power.  My parents hired them out of debt and although all but one despises me, my parents wish was that I keep them around until the debt is paid in full.  No, being a king is not easy at all.  But I do try to be honest with me people all the time.  Recently I lied to them, and had to make a speech about what my true intentions were.  Nothing bad, I assure you, but most people would have thought it strange."

     Lina smiled as she spooned up the last of her morsels.  "I see.  You have good morals.  I feel a lot better knowing someone leading our country does.  Even if all you are is a role model, that's probably the best thing you can ever be."

     Zelgadiss dabbed his mouth with the cloth napkin although he had only had tea for breakfast.  "I have to go now, Lina.  I have a bunch of errands to run.  I'll be for two-weeks, maybe longer.  I really hope we run into each other again soon.  If not, I wish you all the best, and may you have much luck with your new album.  Sayonnara." He smiled and with that he pushed
his chair in and headed out of the restaurant.

     "No, no of course not."  Lina sighed and shook her head again in disbelief. "Are you really the king?"

     "Zelgadiss Greywers, King of Japan would not tell a lie!"


     Lina stopped sipping her coffee.  Did I tell him about my new album?  No, she decided, she hadn't.  I fact, no one but Martina knew about her new album.  So far all she had done was write down a few song ideas and title it SLAYER'S RETURN.  If she hadn't have been feeling brave she wouldn't have told anyone at all.  Weird.
     She decided there was no point in hanging around.  She went up to pay.
 "It's all right, Ms. Inverse."  The cashier smiled  "A man in a beige cloak picked up your bill."

End Part Two