CHAPTER 5: Nobody knows what's going on and I doubt anyone Cares

 Note from the author: I wrote this chapter just in case any of you readers out there who really love Gourry or Amelia, so if this chapter seems sort of half-assed, it probably is. I don't know too much about either character. No offense to those type of fans.

    Amelia yawned.  She had to so careful.  She was finally going to find a cure for cancer and she was sure to win the Nobel prize.  Mixing such chemicals stressed her out.  Last month on her trip southern Brazil, during her biology obsession, she had come across an unidentifiable plant.  She had done a lot of checking and the experts had reported that there was no record of any such plant.  It's properties were completely unknown and Amelia took it upon herself to discover them.  It seemed to cure various ailments within a reduced time as prescribed medication.  Nothing serious of course.  Chicken pox, high fever, migraines, etc.  She had done some chemical research since a friend of hers developed cancer, she had decided to try to invent a cure.  If she could radically enhance the plants healing properties and  somewhat alter it's chemical makeup, then maybe, there was a slim chance that…

    "Hello there, Dr."  a tall man with long blond hair entered the lab.  "What are you doing?"

    "Oh, nothing much." Was the reply.  "Only reinventing modern medicine as the world knows it." she set down a test tube.

    "Can I help?" Gourry leaned on the lab table, exhaling the odor emitting from the tube.

    "Don't!" Amelia snatched away the tube.  "It's still untested and could be dangerous." She chuckled.  "I guess I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing.  And, no, you can't help.  This a very serious project I'm working on.  Leave it to the professionals."

    "But Dr.Seillune, you're not a professional chemist."

    Amelia sweatdropped.  "Yes, Gourry, I know that, but in order to cure a deadly disease, I…well…I sort of have to fiddle with it-the plant I mean."

    "Wow.  I can tell everyone that I knew you before you were famous."

    "Amelia blushed. "I'd prefer that you didn't  Anyway, I think that it is almost ready to start testing on animals."

    "But Dr.Seillune, you always said that testing on animals is wrong." Gourry stood up and struck a justice pose.  "You said 'animals have a right to this world as much as you or me and no creature deserves to be tortured the way they are when involved in testing.  Only when we can feel in our hearts that animals feel pain and love the way humans do will peace be restored to out planet!'"

    "Yes, Gourry, I did say that.  My testing will be on diseased animals alone.  If it works on the animals, my study will slowly progress to humans. If it doesn't work on rodents, my first experimental subject then I will fix it up till it works.  At least the subjects I test on will be dying anyway so my experiment can only cure them or put them out of their misery sooner.  And think, only a few lives lost and I can cure any form of cancer in the world!  From breast cancer to feline leukemia-I'll save the world from a plague, a deadly plague that can attack the innocent and shatter their dreams-justice will prevail!"

    Gourry watched as Amelia lunged atop a lab table, finger pointed to the heavens.  She was SO melodramatic.  "Oh, Amelia-san, I picked this up on your doorstep." He remembered, producing blue envelope.

    "Give it here!" Amelia snatched it from the cop and tore it open in anxiousness. Amelia's face fell and she made a low grumbling sound.  Her face turned red and her hands clenched into tight fists.

    "What is it?" Gourry inquired innocently

    Amelia hesitated for a brief moment.  Looking bad in front of Gourry wasn't a good thing.  But then she decided that it would take something BIG to make Gourry think less of her.  He had always bragged to his stupid cop friends about knowing a REAL scientist.  It was a big deal to him and she knew she had his unconditional support.  She cleared her throat.
    "Amelia-san" she read aloud.  "We have learned from several reliable sources that you believe you have found a cure for cancer.  As discouraging as this may seem, we are obligated to tell you that you are to discontinue your research until arrangements are made to have the specimen in question shipped to Tokyo where it will be left in competent and trustful hands. We are by no means insulting your obvious talent in biochemistry, we are simply insuring that whatever you found stays classified until be have absolute proof that your findings can do what you suspect.  Thank-you for your cooperation
     Surgeon General, London England."

     "That's bad, right?" Gourry jolted up sleepily.

     "Yes, Gourry, that's very bad.  That means that I can't continue my research, which in turn means that it's to be kept as secret from me as any other civilian.  Justice may indeed be brought, but at what cost?  Animals may be harmed and they might totally blow it anyway!  I want to win the Nobel Prize!  I'll have no glory!  No one will know my name!"

     "I'll still know you're name." Gourry reassured her, unhelpfully.

     Amelia groaned.  "What am I going to do?  I have no rights to it anymore.  No options are open.  I found the stupid weed and I won't get any credit.  I can't even work on it in the Tokyo lab with all those other scientists.  I do the work and they'll get the glory!"

     "They'll be doing the work too, you know." Gourry boasted his insight.

     "It's my discovery though!  The only person who should have any right to it is me." Amelia slapped her open palm with right fist.  "I've got it!  If I say that I was wrong, I had already tested it and there were no healing properties, they wouldn't waste their  time." She paused.  "No, that won't work.  They'll know I wont want to share the credit.  They'll be expecting me to make up an excuse.  Maybe if I hired Gracia to go check on their progress daily." She stomped her foot in frustration.  "That's no good either.  I don't wan to drag her into this.  This is my battle.  Besides, I hardly have the kind of money it takes to hire a spy and she has to make money to eat.  Oh, it's useless Gourry!"

    Gourry was hard at work examining a strand of his hair under a microscope.  "I knew I had split ends!"

    Amelia shot a nasty look in his direction.

    "Sorry Amelia-san.  It'd be nice if people were on your side, if you had enough support from other people that you could march up to who ever's in charge and tell them that you won't hand over the plant unless they say you can work on it in Tokyo labs."

    "Gourry!  What happened?  You-you are a genius!  Good God, I never thought I'd say it but it's true!  If I can get just twenty people to sign a petition, then I'll feel strong enough to demand conditions!"

    Gourry beamed.  "I am a genius, aren't I?  Well, are you gonna do it?"

    "Of course Gourry-kun!  And when I do, I'll make sure you get some credit when I'm receiving the Nobel prize!  Oh, this is too good to be true." Amelia squealed with delight and bounced merrily through the lab.

End Part Five