Welcome to the Lina and Naga files! This is where you will find the fan fiction that we have written over the years as anime fans! The oldest fic here is the one at the bottom, which is a cross over between Sailor Moon and Shadow Magic (our original creation...). You will find that most of these stories are unfinished. If you would like to see more of any of these, please notify the author (Lina or Naga)=^-^=. Right now, Rei aka Naga, is in the process of writing a new fic (Slayers: Buffy Overdrive), while Lina is continuing Slayers K. Other than that, enjoy your stay!

     ~Slayers K~ Click on the pic to go there!


~Buffy Overdrive~ An unlikely crossover between Slayers and Buffy the Vampire Slayer! One awesome story!! Warning: Lina/Zel content...^^


Slayers Warped : (Complete) An alternate reality for the Slayers cast in the modern world written by Rei, aka Naga the Whyte Serpent

Part 1   "All Hail the Emperor of Japan!"
Part 2   "Lina's So Talented!"
Part 3   "Mission Near Imposible"
Part 4   "One Dragon + One Canuck = One Certified Hellhole"
Part 5   "No One Knows What's Going On and I Doubt Anyone Cares"
Part 6   "Snoring Pussy Kat!"
Part 7   "Everyone Was Lost a Long Time Ago, So Why Bother Making Up New Titles?"
Part 8   "‘Isn't-That-Ever-So-Disgustingly-Perfectly-Working-Out-a-Little-Too-Well-a-
                Tad-Too-Convenient-For-an-Already-Umbelievable-Story’ Chapter'"
Part 9   "The Chapter Where the Author is Actually Beginning to See a Light"
                (A terribly dim light, mind you) at the end of this not too great tunnel she's been stuck in
                for a while...
Part 10  "Destined to Rid the Land of Spam ~ Keeper of the Kiwi Sensation Magazine"
Part 11  "Anyone Up For Chess?"
                    ORDER  TO AVOID FURTHER WRITING."


Anime Trek: What if anime characters were the crew of the Enterprise??!!
(By Lina and Rei)

The Introduction and the set up.
The Theme Song by Lina and Rei (zipped .wav)
Part One (Unfinished)


Bishoujo Slayers Muyo :  Yes, a cross over of Slayers, Sailor Moon and Tenchi Muyo! "Who says we don't need pretty slayers!?"
(Lina's version)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Bishoujo Slayers Muyo
(Naga's version)


Shadow Master : (Complete) Another quest for Zel and a strange key appears...hmmm.

Part 1   "Separation"
Part 2   "Stupid Kid..."
Part 3   "Don't I Know You?"
Part 4   "A Chimera Forever"
Part 5   "The Final Key"
Part 6   "Panther"
Part 7   "False Kage"


Slayers Switcheroo :  A strange sort of story, guaranteed to amuse. Don't bother waiting for the return of Sorcerer A, because he already has. Written by Lina and Naga.

Part 1   "Tea, Please"
Part 2   "Jellyfish Don't Dash"
Part 3   "The Jellyfish vs. The Ferocious, Man-Eating Sea Cucumbers" (unfinished)


Tsukino Senshi  :  The first (and guaranteed to be the only) Sailor Moon/ Shadow Magic cross over... with some guest appearences by others ^^! One heck of an adventure, that's all I can say!
Written by Lina (quite some time ago...)^^ . I believe I started writing this in grade nine and stopped that summer. (1996)

Part One     "Hello, Everyone!"
Part Two     "CATS!!"
Part Three   "Where Are We?"
Part Four     "Shadow Empire!"
Part Five      "Moon Shadow"
Part Six        "Fun, Adventure and... What the Heck Did I Just Step On!?"


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